1. Is Neurofeedback Safe?
Yes! Since NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is non-invasive, it does not impose any changes upon the brain. Your brain is merely provided with feedback about what it is doing in real-time, and this provides the opportunity for self-correction. Neuroptimal® is FDA approved as a safe wellness device designed for brain training and relaxation.
2. How does neurofeedback work?
When our brain is functioning efficiently, we are able to keep our attention focused on an activity that we are engaging in, and we are able to detect changes in our environment and adjust to them in a resilient manner. In a brain that is struggling, it has become disorganized, performing tasks and functions at inappropriate times, or not performing them when it should. NeurOptimal®Neurofeedback is designed to help the brain to retrain itself through providing it with feedback about what it is doing in real-time. Because it’s natural function is to adjust and self-regulate, it does. Through repeated sessions the brain begins to sustain these more organized patterns, leaving you feeling relaxed and functioning at your best!

During a neurofeedback session, you will be listening to relaxing music through headphones. You are welcome to bring your own headphones if you prefer. We will place sensors on your scalp which are picking up your electrical activity and communicating it to the computer system. When the brain is about to change states, there is a kind of turbulence or wobble in the electrical activity which is detected by the system. These state changes will be communicated back to your brain in the form of pauses in the music. One of the main functions of the brain is to detect change and to regulate any imbalances. These pauses allow the brain to orient to itself in the moment, and to correct it’s function if needed. Over time your brain learns and trains itself to continue to function in this more efficient manner.
3. How Many Sessions?
Some people notice changes after only one session, but for most people, noticeable improvements usually begin between 8-10 sessions.  For maximum benefits to be reached it is recommended to continue training for at least 20-40 sessions.
4. How often do I need to schedule neurofeedback sessions for best results?
In the beginning: We recommend 2-3 times a week for the first month so that you can see results more quickly. We do recognize that time or finances may be a challenge at this pace. Once per week, or even every 2 weeks can still produce dramatic results. It takes longer, but slow and steady will get you there.

Ongoing training: Once function begins to improve, once per week is a great pace until you feel you have reached your peak level of functioning.

Maintenance: There are many people who experience positive gains which last indefinitely. Some people find that coming in for refresher sessions once a month or every few months is ideal for them. In cases where there are chronic conditions present, it may be necessary to integrate neurofeedback into a regular care plan for best results. Our staff can speak with you about what is right for you.
5. How long do the effects of neurofeedback last?
The answer to this question is unique to each individual. For some individuals, the results last indefinitely. There are some conditions, however, which may challenge the long-term effects of neurofeedback.  Untreated sleep apnea, untreated chiropractic issues, ongoing exposure to toxins such as mold or heavy metals, and regular substance use are some things which may be addressed by the appropriate provider to enhance the duration of neurofeedback benefits.
6. Does neurofeedback have any side effects?
Neurofeedback is safe and non-invasive. It acts as a mathematical mirror for your brain and does not impose or force any change to occur in your brain. That being said, it is important to be aware that initially, your brain may feel tired after a session. It is doing a lot of work that it is not used to in order to function more efficiently! It is also important to remember that healing is not linear. There are times when symptoms or behaviors may seem to become more challenging for a few days. This does happen at times and will resolve as you continue with training.
7. Does neurofeedback work for everyone?

Neurofeedback has significantly beneficial results for the majority of our clients. There are some clients who may have some challenges. Individuals with extreme sensory issues, particularly children, may have difficulty tolerating the sensors fixed to their scalp and ears.  Very young children may struggle to stay put long enough for a full session, though we do try to be as creative as possible to help keep them busy.

Regarding the targeting of specific goals, it is important to keep in mind that NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is a general brain training tool. While it has the power to train your brain to function optimally overall, we cannot promise results specific to your objective or your symptoms. By its design, NeurOptimal®MUST improve brain function, though it may or may not be in the particular area you were hoping.

8. Will insurance cover neurofeedback?
Currently, we are unaware of any insurance companies that reliably pay for neurofeedback services. We are happy to provide a superbill to submit to your flex spending or to your insurance company if you request it. Please keep in mind that NeurOptimal® is not a diagnostic tool and does not treat specific conditions. If the insurance company requires a diagnostic code, we do not have a way to provide it.
9. Can I purchase my own neurofeedback system?
Yes, absolutely. Click here to learn more!
10. Where can I learn more about the NeurOptimal® system?
"Have you ever heard of a tool that can help with optimization of the brain's automatic or unconscious behavior? NeurOptimal® creator Dr. Val Brown is interviewed by about his unique neurofeedback system.”
Looking for an edge? You can benefit from Neurofeedback Services. Contact us today and let us help get you started on your path to success.